The asymmetric information and the government control economy 旅游经济运行中政府规制初探
We have to remember : china is moving from a completely controlled economy and government to a more open one 我们必须记住:中国正从完全的计划经济和政府控制向开放的国家过度。
China ' s well on the road to moving from a state controlled economy to a market driven one but the us treasury secretary says it needs to speed up reform in some areas 这位美国财政部长说:中国正顺利从国家管理经济转变到市场经济体制,但是在某些领域需要加快改革的步伐。
Revenue policy should play an important role in collecting income , ensuring financial capacity , also adjusting and controlling economy , in addition to distributing income 科学发展观的基础是要实现经济社会更快更好的全面发展。科学发展观的关键是统筹兼顾,要做到“五个统筹” 。
In november , in a speech delivered from the mahoganypanelled splendour of havana university , the president painted a picture of widespread graft throughout the state - controlled economy 总统11月在人才辈出的哈瓦那大学的一次演讲中画了一幅国家控制下的经济中不断蔓延的渎职现象图。